We have at least 5 recognizable flavors in foods – sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami. Sweetness is easily detected in carbohydrate-rich foods like fruit. Saltiness is also a bit more obvious and ubiquitous in most people’s diets when processed food is consumed; however, there are natural sources of sodium in foods like seaweed. Bitterness can be found in foods like raw cocoa, greens, and olives. Lemons usually come to mind when you think of the term ‘sour’, along with vinegar and pickled foods. Umami is a Japanese term essentially meaning “delicious” and is found in items that have been fermented, like miso, sauerkraut, and tamari, along with tomato paste, nutritional yeast, and mushrooms.
This month, I would encourage you to explore all the tastes
that are around you. Step out of your comfort zone. Try some new recipes. I am
a proponent of eating a diet based on variety. Not only will that help keep you
from being bored in the kitchen, but it will also help to ensure you are
getting the nutrients you need and satisfied with the choices you have made.